Wednesday 7 October 2020

Benefits of Rhinoplasty Surgery

The nose is one of the most prominent and vital facial features. It is often seen that many people are not happy with the shape, size, and appearance of their nose. Rhinoplasty is a simple yet effective cosmetic surgery that focuses on improving the nose shape and size. This nose reshaping procedure helps to enhance facial harmony by changing the proportion of the nose. This surgery even helps in correcting impaired breathing problems that are caused by structural nasal defects such as deviated septum. In rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon sculpts cartilage and bone of the nose to achieve the desired appearance. Dr. Dushyanth Kalva is one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in Hyderabad who perform this surgery.

Benefits of rhinoplasty:

*Improve breathing- Breathing defects are mainly caused due to deviated septum i.e., the wall present between the nasal passage. In some patients, it is crooked, which makes the nasal passages very small. Rhinoplasty helps in treating severe cases such as in which the deviated septum blocks the nasal passages completely. It helps correct structural problems and defects and provide improved breathing. This is also an effective solution for those who suffer from congenital or long-term breathing issues.

*Fix a broken nose- Rhinoplasty surgery also serves the purpose of reconstructive nose surgery. The nose is the most sensitive facial feature that can get broken during an accident or encounters the most injuries during fights, falls, and sports activities. Reconstructive rhinoplasty helps in fixing any deformity, which is caused by an injury. Consult Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, to avail the benefits of the best plastic surgery in Hyderabad.

*Sinus problems- Some common problems associated with the nose are headache, constant nasal congestion, and sinus pressure. When the sinuses get blocked and filled with fluid, this causes bacteria and infection to get attracted. These problems can be corrected with rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty helps in treating chronic sinusitis or inflammation.

*Correct birth defects- The most common reason why rhinoplasty is performed is to correct congenital disorders. In such cases, rhinoplasty enables one to get the desired appearance of the nose and improved breathing. Birth defects cause some nasal malformations. Correcting them with the help of rhinoplasty procedures enhances the confidence and self-esteem of the person.

*Reduce snoring- Snoring is another common problem that is faced by many. This problem is mainly caused due to structural problems within the nose like a deviated septum. Rhinoplasty helps in fixing such issues. Most people rely on remedies with over the counter products, which have a significant impact on the nose. Nose surgery helps in providing a permanent solution to these problems.

*Improve appearance- A straight and symmetrical nose adds attractiveness while crooked nose shape detracts one’s appearance. An unattractive nose often makes a person feel less confident about their looks. Rhinoplasty helps in treating nose that is too short or too long or too wide or narrow. The humped nose can also be treated with rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed mainly for cosmetic reasons, as an attractive and symmetrical nose can boost the confidence of an individual.

Rhinoplasty is effectively performed on individuals who are interested in changing the projection, width and the tip of the nose can undergo rhinoplasty. With the help of this surgery, the prominent nose, nasal hump can be reduced, or people with a small nose can increase it with an implant or bone grafting. Dr. Dushyanth Kalva is one of the best cosmetic and plastic surgeons who perform rhinoplasty surgery in Hyderabad. As he is a qualified and experienced doctor, one can visit him at Inform Clinics for any other plastic and cosmetic surgeries (in Hyderabad) as well.


Wednesday 9 September 2020

Liposuction: The Best and Most Preferred Body Contouring Surgery

Liposuction is an advanced body contouring procedure that uses a vacuum suction technique to remove excess fat from the body's specific areas. Everyone desires to have a well defined and sculpted body profile but it is not always possible to achieve it with exercise and diet. Sometimes in the specific body parts there’s resistant fat which is very difficult to get rid of. In such a case, if the person has a stable body weight, he/she can opt for liposuction treatment.

The liposuction procedure can be effectively performed on the body areas like abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck. Liposuction helps to get rid of unwanted fat cells and achieve an attractive body contour.

Dr. Dushyanth Kalva is the best cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad who perform liposuction treatment.

The liposuction procedure performed by him at his clinic i.e. Inform Clinics involves the following steps: 

Anaesthesia: Liposuction procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. This helps in reducing the discomfort, which is caused during the procedure. 

Placement of incisions: In the next step, a small incision is made in the target area. The size of incision usually ranges between a quarter and a fourth of an inch. So, it is hardly noticeable. 

Suctioning of fat: In this step, the surgeon will introduce a tube called a cannula through the incision to remove stubborn fat tissue. Then the back and forth motion of the cannula melts the exercise-resistant fat. As the fat cells begin to deform, the vacuum suction method helps take out the liquefied fat from the body. Advanced techniques such as laser or ultrasound energy are used at Inform Clinics to melt the fat, and this makes liposuction procedure less invasive and more comfortable for the patient. 

Incision closure: In the last step, the incision is closed with traditional or absorbable sutures once the surgery is done. A drain tube is placed by the surgeon under the skin in the incision area. This will help collect excess fluid and reduce the chances of infection in the first few days after surgery. Bruising and swelling are minimal after the procedure.

Benefits of liposuction:

  • Liposuction helps to improve the shape and contour of the body.
  • Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes fatty tissue from different body parts.
  • Liposuction is effective for individuals who are suffering from gynecomastia because of fat accumulation.
  • Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells present in the body and is responsible for reducing overall body weight. However, the success of liposuction is measured by the change in the body shape and not the weight; but it is definitely an additional benefit. 
  • Liposuction helps to improve the self-esteem and confidence of the person.

Inform Clinics is one of the best cosmetic surgery clinics where Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, the best plastic surgeons in Hyderabad, successfully performs different types of liposuction surgeries.

For more information about liposuction surgery in Hyderabad visit Inform Clinics today!


Thursday 23 January 2020

Surgical Solution to Gynecomastia for safe and reliable results

Gynecomastia is a benign condition where the male breasts appear abnormally large and swelled up due to the enlargement of the glandular tissues. Not just women, but men also have breast glands, which are generally not noticeable. But, men suffering from gynecomastia develop noticeably enlarged breasts, which may become a reason for embarrassment, and restrict them from having a social life. A study shows that nearly eighty percent of the entire male population suffers from this condition to varying degrees, and can affect newborns, adolescent boys, and even the elderly. Mainly gynecomastia is caused due to hormonal imbalance and genetics. Still, the condition can be triggered by factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, intake of certain medications, or any medical condition.

Men who choose to undergo gynecomastia surgical correction can get rid of this enlarged breast condition and boost their self-esteem and confidence by achieving a flat masculine chest. The best part about this surgery is that it provides permanent results as long as the individual maintains a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious diet and adequate physical exercise. Sometimes gynecomastia resolves on its own, but if the condition persists for more than two years, then one must consult a medical practitioner. One can consult with the best cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, who has extensive experience in cosmetic and plastic surgery at Inform Clinics. Dr. Kalva provides expert consultation and gynecomastia solutions with the latest technology at Inform Clinics. He is renowned for his practical approach and ethical practice and is counted amongst the most respected plastic surgeons in the country.

While various treatment procedures effectively treat gynecomastia, it is only the surgical procedure that is considered to provide the best solution since it corrects the problem at its root. The male breast enlargement condition can be treated through the excision of glandular breast tissues and the removal of fat through liposuction. Liposuction is performed on individuals who have excessive fatty tissue in their breasts. The incisions are generally located around the areola’s edge or within the chest’s natural creases so that the scars are hidden post-surgery.

The male breast reduction is typically performed on an out-patient basis to allow patients to return home the same day. After the procedure, the individuals might experience some discomfort and pain, which can be resolved with a compression garment and prescription medications. The recovery period can vary for each individual, but usually, the patient return to their normal routine within a week. Sports and other strenuous activities are allowed roughly after four weeks. Individuals who are above the age of eighteen, with overall good health and no major physical complications are generally considered ideal candidates for this procedure. However, vigorous activities are strictly prohibited and post-op instructions provided by the surgeon must be followed to the last detail to ensure a safe and quick recovery. To maintain long lasting results the patient is advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Inform Clinics provides gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad, and ensure that every possible genuine information is provided to the patient to help them make the correct decision.

The procedure requires a prior preparation, including a clinical evaluation via physical examination and medical history, to eliminate the chances of pathological gynecomastia. Liver function tests, hormone level evaluations, and other investigations are also performed if pathological gynecomastia is suspected in the patient. Once the preparations, as mentioned earlier, are completed, the patient can undergo surgery. For more information and gynecomastia surgery cost in Hyderabad, visit Inform Clinics today!

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Tummy Tuck for Flat and Firmer Abdomen Shape

Everyone desires a slim waist, firm, and flat abdomen along with fuller hips. These traits are universally admired around the world. However, several factors can come into play, making it difficult to attain or maintain a perfect figure. A sedentary lifestyle, erratic dietary habits, past surgeries, pregnancy, and even genetics can stop an individual from achieving an ideal abdominal shape. Diet and exercise can help to some extent in eliminating unwanted fat, but the loose skin can impair the appearance of tummy. Thus, surgery is the only solution to get rid of unwanted fat pockets and sagging skin. Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical treatment that recreates a flatter and tighter abdomen.

Tummy Tuck Cost in Hyderabad

During the procedure, the excess fat deposits are removed with liposuction, and then the loose abdominal muscles are tightened. In the last step, the loose skin is removed and re draped. This helps to obtain a toned abdominal profile. However, patients who have undergone bariatric surgery might require only skin removal, so liposuction is not performed in this case. The procedure also has other medical benefits. The surgery treats problems like diastasis (or recti divarication), and inguinal hernia. One can visit Inform Clinics, the best cosmetic surgery clinic in Hyderabad, that provides various cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. At the clinic, these procedures are performed by an expert plastic surgeon in Hyderabad, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva. The surgeon firmly believes in providing their patients with every possible and genuine information to ensure that they can make the best decision and get the desirable results. The aim is to offer quick solutions with reliable results in a safe environment for all patients.

At Inform Clinics, the tummy tuck surgery in Hyderabad is customised according to the patient's needs. The abdominoplasty procedure can either be performed as a complete tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck procedure, depending on the needs of the patient. The procedure requires prior consultation with the surgeon, along with a thorough medical check-up to ensure optimum results. The surgical procedure is performed under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on what the surgeon feels more suitable. The full tummy tuck procedure encompasses incisions made horizontally between the belly button and pubic hairline, and the line of incision typically depends on the amount of excess skin that is taken out. The skin from the upper abdominal area is pulled and stitched, keeping space for the belly button. The procedure repairs and tightens abdominal muscles corrects uneven fat deposits in the abdominal region.

While abdominoplasty is a great solution to the problem of achieving an admirable figure, it also has its fair share of limitations, which must be kept in mind. It should not be mistaken with a weight-loss program, and can only be effective for tightening abdominal skin. The results of the procedure are permanent but also depend highly on the fluctuations in the individual’s weight. Women considering pregnancy in the future and people who plan to lose weight in the future are advised to postpone their tummy tuck plans. Also, it should be remembered that abdominoplasty cannot help with stretch marks or cellulite, but removing excess skin can improve the condition sometimes. People with a stable weight and good overall health, women who have completed their child bearing, and individuals who were previously suffering from obesity and have excess sagging skin are considered ideal candidates for the procedure. For more information, consultation, and abdominoplasty cost in Hyderabad, get in touch with Inform Clinics today!