Friday 30 December 2022

Who is a Good Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Widely known as the tummy tuck procedure, abdominoplasty is a way to reshape and define the abdomen’s appearance. This procedure is done to achieve the ideal figure and helps to remove pockets of fat across the abdomen. As a result, one can look healthy and gain self-confidence. Since an abdominoplasty is a cosmetic treatment, it can benefit anyone who wants to look better. But if one is considering a tummy tuck, it is important to find out if they are an ideal candidate for the surgery.

To help find the answer, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, one of the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Hyderabad, discusses who can get a tummy tuck procedure. Keep reading to learn more.

Who is a Good Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery

What is a Tummy Tuck Procedure? 

A tummy tuck procedure aims to restore the abdominal contours by restructuring excess skin and fat. It also treats the effects of damaged abdominal muscles. Due to these various impacts, it can have more advantages than noticeable weight loss and is still the best treatment method for loose skin. In order to achieve the best results, a skilled plastic surgeon administers general anesthesia before beginning the procedure. For certain patients, the perfect results imply the removal of fat along with loose skin. The specific methods utilized during a tummy tuck vary depending on the circumstances, but they are always relatively safe and productive. That’s why it’s paramount to learn who can get a tummy tuck and reap the procedure's benefits.

Suitable Candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery 

1. One Has Experienced Significant Weight Loss 

When one undergoes weight loss surgery or loses a significant amount of weight rapidly, loose skin will appear. The skin can stretch to accommodate additional fat due to weight gain. While losing the fat, the loose skin remains. This can result in stretch marks that are difficult to eliminate, and even topical products alone can not treat them. If the midsection has loose skin due to massive weight loss, a tummy tuck procedure can address it, treat it and help one regain confidence in the appearance.

2. One Has Good Health

The patient needs to have good health to undergo a tummy tuck procedure. Being healthy is crucial for any surgery, especially where one requires anesthesia. Therefore, if one has good health, they will make an ideal candidate for this procedure. Being in good health entails maintaining a generally healthy weight, being a non-smoker, and having no serious medical issues that might compromise the outcome of the procedure. If one smokes, one must stop for at least six weeks before and after the surgery. To know if one is in good health, book a consultation with Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics. He is also known for offering the Best Plastic Surgery in Hyderabad. 

3. One Has Excess Fat and Hanging Skin 

The most popular post-pregnancy procedure among women is a tummy tuck, which addresses drooping skin, lowers the abdomen, and contours the abdominal muscles. With a tummy tuck surgery, stubborn baby bumps or abdominal pooch can be efficiently corrected. After giving birth, women often gain a lot of weight and develop pannus, which is the loose, soft skin that hangs down over the pubic region, increasing the need for tummy tuck surgery. Loose skin can be highly unattractive and might make one feel self-conscious. This technique successfully eliminates excess skin to tighten and tone the entire midsection so one never has to worry about that loose skin again. 

4. One Has Experienced One or Multiple Pregnancies

Pregnancy stretches out the skin excessively. Additionally, it affects the abdominal muscles. This procedure helps one get their pre-baby body back to its previous state, as it was before pregnancy. However, females are often advised to wait until they are done with having children to undergo this procedure. Planning the treatment appropriately is crucial since getting pregnant after a tummy tuck will stretch the newly tightened skin and separate the muscles in the abdomen.

5. One Has Realistic Expectations From the Procedure

Having realistic expectations with the tummy tuck surgery is essential since it is not a weight-loss procedure and removes the skin and fat outside the muscle layers of the abdomen. Also, this procedure will take some time to heal as well.

One is suitable for a tummy tuck if one can keep realistic expectations for the procedure and refrain from asking for more than possible. The surgery increases one’s self-confidence and helps deal with issues one has been struggling with about their appearance. However, it's crucial that one is in good general health before scheduling the procedure. 

To know if one is an ideal candidate for tummy tuck surgery or to learn about the procedure's benefits, one can schedule an appointment with Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics. He offers the best Tummy Tuck Surgery in Hyderabad. Consult today!

Wednesday 28 December 2022

Lip Augmentation: Benefits & Good Candidates

Plump, full lips are a sign of youth and good health. If the lips are thinning due to natural aging or if one is born with thin lips, there are various ways to enhance them. Lip augmentation, also known as lip enhancement, lip fillers or lip injections, is used to temporarily or permanently enhance the shape and size of the lips. The procedure can be tailored to each patient's needs and helps to create a fuller look and turn the corner of the mouth upwards.

In this blog, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Hyderabad, discusses the benefits and suitable candidates for a lip augmentation procedure. Keep reading to learn more.

Lip Augmentation: Benefits & Good Candidates
What is Lip Augmentation?

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that helps to give one fuller, plumper lips that last for a year. Surgical and non-surgical options are available in the cosmetic treatment world to offer one more shapely, alluring, and attractive lips. Nowadays, the most widely used technique for lip augmentation is an injectable filler. The most common and popular one is a substance that resembles hyaluronic acid. The body naturally contains hyaluronic acid, which helps in giving the lips more fullness. The lips' shape, structure, and volume can be improved with hyaluronic acid fillers to achieve the desired aesthetic effect of the lip augmentation procedure. 

What are the Benefits of Lip Augmentation? 

If one wishes to undergo a lip augmentation procedure, here are some of the benefits they are likely to enjoy: 

  • Lip augmentation is performed on a temporary or permanent basis. 

  • If one is unsure whether lip augmentation is right for them, they may start with a temporary dermal filler and evaluate the results before deciding on a permanent treatment.

  • One can resume daily activities immediately as there is no recovery period.

  • Since the effects are not permanent, lip augmentation is a great way to observe immediate results after a session. 

  • The results last a year; one requires touch-up sessions to maintain youthful-looking lips. 

  • Many women and men do not want others to notice that they had a procedure done. The fillers ensure that the lips always retain a youthful and plump appearance without making the lips look fake. Therefore, with this procedure, one gets natural-looking results. 

  • For many individuals, the perfect smile can do wonders for their appearance and confidence. Fuller lips can help one boost confidence in all situations and helps one feel younger and smile better. 

To avail the benefits of lip augmentation, book an appointment with Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics. He is also known for offering the Best Plastic Surgery in Hyderabad

Who Makes a Good Candidate for Lip Augmentation? 

Any individual can be a right candidate for lip augmentation if they meet the criteria mentioned below: 

1. One has Thin Lips

If the lips are the concern, or lips are depleting volume, one can consider getting a lip augmentation procedure. A patient with thin lips or lips without the right size, shape, symmetry, or volume needs cosmetic attention. That is why a lip augmentation procedure is performed. 

2. One has Uneven or Asymmetrical Lips

If the lips are even or asymmetric, they need aesthetic augmentation. Lip job is always advised to start with a non-surgical method. The initial non-surgical enhancement will give an idea about the required amount of volume and aesthetic shape according to one’s facial appearance. However, an expert plastic surgeon’s observation and instructions are necessary before and after the procedure to achieve the desired lip augmentation results. 

3. One is Physically Active and has No Severe Complications

It will help if one has overall good health and no medical or severe health complications. Additionally, one should stop smoking for a few days as smoking can affect the procedure and leave one with compromised outcomes. 

4. One Should have Realistic Expectations

One must have reasonable expectations and a positive mindset to achieve the best outcomes from a lip augmentation procedure. Additionally, the patients should have a specific goal in mind since it is always helpful to think about what can be achievable. 


Overall, lip augmentation is a customized cosmetic procedure planned according to the patient's facial profile, realistic goals and concerns to meet the best results. Therefore, a consultation with a renowned surgeon will help decide the best option according to the outcomes and chosen method of the procedure. At Inform Clinics, one can avail the benefits of lip augmentation treatment to get fresh, smooth and rejuvenated lips. The cost of the procedure depends on the type of injectables used, individual concerns, the patient's age, medications etc.

One can book a consultation with Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics to learn more about Lip Augmentation in Hyderabad. Consult today!

Monday 12 December 2022

Liposuction Recovery: Tips to Enhance the Recovery

Every surgery needs a recovery phase, as each person’s body is unique. After a liposuction procedure, the recovery phase allows the body to heal correctly. Knowing what to expect after the liposuction surgery can help one get the best results. One can heal more effectively and quickly if they have the proper knowledge and plan. Therefore, it's crucial to understand what to cut down on or avoid and when and how to start doing the right exercises.

In this blog, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics discusses essential tips for enhancing liposuction surgery recovery. He is a renowned surgeon known for offering the Best Liposuction Surgery in Hyderabad. Learn how to have the most effective and healthiest recovery possible.

Liposuction Recovery: Tips to Enhance the Recovery

1. Eat Right and Hydrate

The right foods, beverages, vitamins, and nutrients help in healing and are crucial for a speedy recovery. Additionally, most of the body's pain and strain during recovery is brought on by inflammation. Consume anti-inflammatory foods to ease the pain. For a speedy recovery, include walnuts, green tea, salmon, anchovies, similar fatty fish, and berries of all kinds. By providing the body with the nutrients it needs to rebuild itself stronger, these kinds of foods will remove the roadblocks to one's recovery. Preparing the proper foods also includes adding the right fluids. The best fluid is water. The body always requires water, especially after surgery, to heal faster.

2. Treat the Treated Area 48 Hours Post-Surgery

Although liposuction is a relatively simple treatment to recover from, patients will experience mild to moderate pain for the first 48 hours. The surgeon may prescribe medication to treat the pain. Consult the surgeon if the pain does not subside within the first two days. One can see some fluid coming from the incisions on the first day following the procedure. There is nothing to worry about because this is quite normal.

Additionally, one is likely to see bruising at the incision sites. Within a week or two after the treatment, these should heal. To learn more about liposuction surgery, book a consultation with the expert surgeon at Inform Clinics, who offers the best Cosmetic Surgery in Hyderabad.

3. Plan the Next Two Weeks 

One must be the most careful for the first two weeks after the procedure. It is necessary to wear a compression garment. Additionally, one will have to get up and move every couple of hours. This helps to reduce swelling and prevent blood clots from occurring. One should avoid bathing or submerging the body in fluid during this time. The patient can follow up with the surgeon after seven days. If things go smoothly, the surgeon will ask to remove the compression garment.

4. Manage the Pain

One of the best ways to improve the recovery from liposuction is to take medications. Controlling the pain is essential as one isn’t resting or recovering as effectively when they are in pain. One must take prescribed medicines according to the surgeon’s schedule and stick to the plan. With any procedure, some soreness or discomfort is expected, but one shouldn't be in extreme pain. Contact the surgeon if the medications don't seem to work. It can indicate that the recovery isn't going as planned.

5. Wear Proper Bandages and Clothing

Wearing a compression garment all the time during the initial days after the recovery can be inconvenient. One should wear the compression garment as per the surgeon’s instructions. These garments help reduce swelling and bruising, improve healing, and help maintain the ideal shape. One should also have elastic bandages around the incision area. Follow the surgeon’s instructions for wearing and changing these too. The surgeon will guide the patient when it’s safe to stop wearing these bandages and clothing, so one shouldn’t try to rush things.

6. Take the Time

It is essential to give time to the body to recover from the procedure. Although it is a relatively minor operation, liposuction is still a surgical procedure. Therefore, one needs to give the body time to heal before jumping back into the daily grind. Consider taking off for a few days. Ask someone to handle other duties, including household tasks and driving. The surgeon will inform the patient when it is safe to return to work and exercise routine. Follow these guidelines and do not rush to recovery.

7. Watch for Any Complications

After liposuction, a few potential complications could happen. The most severe of them is a blood clot that could develop into a pulmonary embolism and an infection that could cause sepsis.

If anyone experiences any of the following symptoms, contact the surgeon immediately. These problems include:

  • Fever

  • Extreme Pain

  • More swelling than expected

  • Shortness of breath

  • Chest pain

  • Leg pain

  • Redness or swelling in the legs

The symptoms above might indicate infection, blood clots, or a pulmonary embolism. If these occur, one must seek medical attention immediately.

Therefore, regardless of the liposuction one chooses, one will have a period when the body requires time to bounce back. By following the tips mentioned above, one can reduce the overall timeline and healthily enhance the results. To learn more about liposuction surgery and its benefits, one can consult Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics, one of the Best Cosmetic Surgery clinics in Hyderabad. Pay a visit today!

Wednesday 7 December 2022

FUE Hair Transplant: Reasons To Choose This Method

Hair transplants are performed to add more hair to the balding or thinning areas of the head. Grafting hair onto the balding or thinning area of the scalp involves taking hair from other parts of the body or thicker sections of the scalp. In the world, 50% of women and 60% of men experience some degree of hair loss. To treat this, people usually seek over-the-counter treatments, including topical medications like minoxidil (Rogaine).

Another restoration technique is hair transplantation. In the first transplant, performed in Japan in 1939, only a single scalp hair was utilised. Doctors created the "plug" method in the ensuing decades. This entails the transplantation of substantial hair tufts. Many different hair transplantation techniques are currently available; one particularly useful technique is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, known for providing the best FUE hair transplant in Hyderabad, has revealed crucial information regarding the procedure to help people better understand it and its advantages.

FUE Hair Transplant

What Is FUE Hair Transplantation?

During a follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant, individual hair follicles are removed from the skin and then implanted in different locations on the scalp. FUE was designed to replace the "classic" follicular unit transplantation (FUT) technique. This technique involved transplanting a full piece of skin or scalp—complete with follicles—to the desired location.

Because it's less likely to result in a "hair plug" appearance, where patches of skin or hair don't match the surrounding areas, FUE has grown more popular than FUT. It won't also create a recognisable scar, like FUT.

Who is The Suitable Candidate For FUE Hair Transplant?

  • The best candidate for an FUE hair transplant is someone who has thinning or balding hair but still has enough hair nearby for a transplant.

  • If one doesn't have healthy enough, dense hair to transplant to the balding or thinning area, one might not be a candidate for an FUE hair transplant.

  • A person who has realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcomes. 

FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

The FUE process works as follows:

  • The surgeon shaves the hair around the transplant location and in the region where the follicles will be extracted.

  • They will eliminate the hair follicles from the skin using a micro punch tool.

  • The harvested follicles will then be placed through a series of tiny incisions made by the surgeon with a needle or other small, sharp instrument.

  • The incisions will then receive the follicles.

  • The surgeon will clean the area and bandage it for healing.

FUE Hair Transplant Advantages

The main reason why people should select FUE is to rebuild hair in balding areas naturally. 

This includes the following:

  • Minimal Scarring: The best thing about having an FUE hair transplant is that, in contrast to a FUT hair transplant, it leaves behind very little visible scarring. This is due to the fact that FUE involves removing individual hair follicles, which results in tiny spots that eventually vanish.

  • No Stitches: During this process, the donor area on the sides and back of the scalp is used to remove individual hair follicles. Therefore, no stitches are placed at the donor site during this minimally invasive operation.

  • Short Recovery Period: Although there are no stitches used in this procedure, the donor area must be shaved to make it easier to harvest individual hair follicles. Therefore, the recovery period following FUE is very brief, and patients can resume work 3 to 5 days after the operation.

  • Minimally Invasive: It is undeniable that FUE is one of the minor invasive procedures, particularly when compared to FUT. In contrast to FUT, which involves excising a strip of skin from the rear of the scalp and then stitching the donor area back, individual hair follicles are removed during FUE from the sides or back of the scalp. 

  • Suitable for All Hairstyles: All hairstyles are acceptable candidates for FUE hair transplants, including those with short and long hair. However, FUT can only be performed on patients with long hair in order to hide the linear scar.

  • Little to No Discomfort: Because FUE is the least intrusive process, most people who opt to have it done don't feel any pain at all.

  • Natural-looking Outcome: Because there are no plugs involved, this process produces the most natural-looking outcome. However, it is always a good idea to select a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon, like Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, who can carry out the surgery flawlessly if one wants the treatment to produce the most natural-looking results.

  • Very Little Site Numbness: The majority of patients experience little to no numbness or discomfort at the donor site during the FUE recovery period.

  • Fewer Restrictions After the Procedure: After the treatment, patients are subject to fewer restrictions because there are fewer rules to follow while recovering from an FUE procedure.


What to Expect Following an FUE Hair Transplantation?

FUE has a quick recovery time. For about three days, one might experience some swelling or discomfort.

Here are some recommendations for aftercare from the doctor:

  • One should not shower or wash hair for at least three days.

  • Once one begins shampooing their hair, use gentle, unscented shampoos for a few weeks.

  • Take a few days off from work to hasten the healing process.

  • For at least 3 weeks, avoid using a comb or brush on the new hair.

  • Till the doctor gives the all-clear, avoid donning hats, beanies, or any other items of clothing that cover the head.

  • Don't engage in any strenuous exercise for at least a week.

It's possible that some hairs will fall out as the wound heals. That is typical. After 3 to 4 months, one will probably start to see a difference.

The hair may not regrow as thickly as anticipated depending on the condition of the transplanted hair.

One of the best hair transplant methods is the FUE procedure. However, one should always get the advice of a skilled hair transplant surgeon before choosing the procedure, as there are a number of variables that affect which kind of surgery would be most effective for achieving excellent outcomes. FUE and FUT are occasionally combined to achieve the best results, as sometimes, for some patients, FUT seems more suitable than FUE. One can also opt for a Robotic Hair Transplant, one of the most outstanding treatments at Inform Clinics in Hyderabad.

To meet with a knowledgeable doctor, make an appointment at the renowned Inform Clinics in Hyderabad. Visit the clinic to find out more about the hair transplant cost in Hyderabad.

Friday 2 December 2022

Is Liposuction Safe? What to Expect, Misconceptions, and More

A plastic surgery treatment called liposuction eliminates extra body fat. It is also referred to as body sculpting, lipo, and lipoplasty. It is considered a popular option for cosmetic surgery. This procedure changes a person's body's form or features. Those who want to lose fat in their thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, neck, and back, among other places. Usually, despite diet and exercise, people are unable to lose these fat deposits and then choose liposuction as an option. 

It is crucial to understand that liposuction is not a way to lose weight. Before deciding to try it, it's crucial to consult with an expert plastic surgeon, who will help an individual keep realistic expectations about the results and make one aware of the significant risks and potential problems involved with the procedure. 

Nevertheless, one’s thinking of having it done has a lot of questions about the operation, risks, and advantages. Dr. Dusyanth Kalva, the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad, has mentioned crucial facts regarding liposuction and its linked characteristics in this article to comprehend better those who are considering getting it done. For more details, keep reading.

Is Liposuction Safe? What to Expect, Misconceptions, and More

How To Prepare For Liposuction?

For the duration of the surgery, anaesthesia is required for liposuction. This means that one won't experience any pain during the liposuction procedure. However, the surgery will leave one in pain. Recovery might be uncomfortable as well.

Depending on which body parts require liposuction, a patient may require a shorter or longer hospital stay. Following liposuction, pain, bruising, swelling, tenderness, and numbness are common side effects. A facility for outpatient care can be used for some treatments.

To Lessen Discomfort Before the Surgery, One Can:

  • Consult the surgeon about any pain issues.

  • Inquire about any medications one may take before the procedure and discuss the type of anaesthesia that will be utilised.

To Lessen Discomfort Following the Procedure:

  • All recommended medications, including painkillers, should be taken

  • Wear the suggested compression clothing.

  • Depending on the surgeon’s advice, maintain the drains in place following surgery.

  • One should take a break, relax, and hydrate themselves.

  • Avoid salt, which can cause swelling (edema).

Deciding Whether Liposuction Is Appropriate For One?

While some people are good candidates for liposuction, others should avoid it. If one wants to know if liposuction is the best choice for them, consult with an experienced surgeon. One should share their worries with the surgeon.

One’s Who is Suitable for Liposuction Include One’s Who:

  • having fat deposits that neither diet nor exercise will remove

  • have good skin elasticity

  • have good muscle tone

  • don't have a lot of extra skin

  • are in good health and physical fitness

  • not obese or overweight

  • Avoid smoking

Liposuction Should be Avoided if One:

  • smoking causes long-term health issues

  • having a weakened immune system, 

  • obesity, 

  • sagging skin, 

  • history of diabetes, heart disease, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 

  • take medications that can make one more likely to bleed, including blood thinners

Do Liposuction Possess Medical Benefits?

Although liposuction is typically performed for cosmetic reasons, it can also be used to treat a few medical issues.

These consist of the following:

  • Lymphedema is a chronic or long-term disorder in which extra lymph fluid accumulates in tissues, resulting in swelling or edema. Edema frequently affects the arms or legs. Liposuction is mostly used to relieve pain, edoema, and discomfort.

  • Gynecomastia: Sometimes, a man will get fat under his chest. Liposuction is the part of gynecomastia surgery which helps in extra fat removal.

  • Lipodystrophy Syndrome: Loss of fat in one area of the body while an increase occurs in another is termed as lipodystrophy syndrome. Liposuction can make patients seem better by distributing their body fat more pleasingly and naturally.

  • Extreme Weight Loss After Obesity: If a morbidly obese person loses at least 40% of their BMI, they might need to see a doctor to have extra skin removed and other irregularities corrected.

  • Lipomas are fatty, benign tumours which can be treated using liposuction. 

What Are Some Common Misconceptions Related To Liposuction?

The Expert Surgeon Has Clarified Some Misconceptions Related To Liposuction:

  • It Can be Used to Treat Obesity and Fat Loss.

The one widespread misconception about liposuction is that the procedure is used to cure obesity. Liposuction, on the other hand, is a procedure that targets stubborn, exercise-resistant fat rather than overall body weight. One must already be at their ideal weight and maintain it over time in order to have liposuction. Liposuction helps one obtain a beautiful body shape by removing small amounts of fat. The physical form won't be dramatically altered, though.

  • It's Not Appropriate for Old People

Anyone who is healthy and has had a positive medical examination may get liposuction without risk. However, the skin's capacity to re-drape over newly reshaped, slimmed contours may be hampered by a lack of elasticity and firmness. Thus, the main opposition to liposuction, in reality, is the poor condition of the skin.

  • It's the Simple Solution.

As previously stated, liposuction is not a weight/fat loss procedure, and maintaining ideal results requires a general commitment to a healthy lifestyle after the procedure. However, localised areas can be streamlined and contoured using liposuction or any other body contouring technique, ideally for people who are within a healthy weight range.

  • Following the Procedure, One Can Start a Daily Routine.

No matter how risk-free and common liposuction is, every surgical procedure necessitates a recovery period. Around the treatment areas, swelling, soreness, and bruising are the most typical post-procedure side effects. Even though everyone's healing time differs, giving yourself at least a week to rest and recover for the best outcomes is recommended. Additionally, some patients may take four to six weeks to resume strenuous activities.

Consult Dr. Dusyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics if one has any additional questions about liposuction. One may get all their questions addressed at the finest because the skilled plastic surgeon is renowned for offering the best liposuction surgery in Hyderabad. The skilled doctor has more than twenty years of expertise as both a general and plastic surgeon. He is also renowned for performing successful procedures, including rhinoplasty, gynecomastia, butt enlargement, breast reduction, and tummy tuck, among many others. To learn more, make a clinic appointment.