Monday 28 June 2021

Suffering from difficulty in breathing and sinus infection due to a crooked nasal septum?

A human nose consists of a nasal septum (a thin middle wall) that separates the two nostrils and is made up of bone and cartilage. Some nose injuries or a birth defect can result in a slightly off-center septum. This may cause one of the nasal passages to be smaller than the other, thereby restricting the exchange of gases and making breathing difficult. It may also lead to facial pain, nose bleeding, or an increased chance of sinus infections because of poor drainage. Septoplasty surgery is the only option available to fix this problem. Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, Rhinoplasty and Nose Surgeon in Hyderabad, performs all types of nose corrective surgery that corrects cosmetic and medical nose defects. Dr. Kalva performs all these facial nose reconstructive procedures with his team of experts and makes sure the patient can get the desired results with every surgical procedure.

Septoplasty is an invasive procedure that helps to reposition the middle part of the nose by cutting, removing, and readjusting the nose cartilage, skin, and bone in the proper place to get the desired results. A straightened septum then functions effectively, allows better airflow through the nose, and offers one a better quality of life.

How to prepare for septoplasty?

Before going for the surgery, the surgeon recommends the patient to stop using blood thinning medication and alcohol intake about 1-2 weeks before the surgery. The patient is also requested to eat a healthy diet and take enough rest before going for the surgery. The surgeon also takes some pictures of the nose-deviated septum to compare with the desired results after treatment. Smoking must also be stopped as it may slow down the healing process after the surgery. At Inform Clinics, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, the best cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad performs the best-deviated septum surgery in Hyderabad that helps to correct all medical concerns related to the nose and nasal passage.

What happens during septoplasty?

The septoplasty surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia (depending on the severity of the condition) to manage pain and discomfort associated with this procedure. Then based on the correction required, the surgeon makes a small cut on one side of the nose to get access to the septum. Next, a thin layer of mucous membrane covering the septum is lifted to reposition the septum. 

If there is an extra bone or cartilage, they are removed, and finally, the mucous membrane is kept back in the right position. Absorbable sutures are required to hold the septum and its mucous covering in place. In some cases, silicone splints may be used to provide additional support to the corrected septum or to give a proper shape to the nose after surgery. To prevent nose bleeding after operation, nose packing is also done on the operated nose to support the treated area. The overall procedure takes about 1-3 hours to be completed.

The results are life-changing as the patient gets the best cosmetic results and improved functioning of the nose with this surgery. Due to better airflow through the nose, there is elimination or reduction of snoring and sleep apnea. There will be fewer chances of getting sinus infections after the septoplasty surgery as the deviated septum is corrected.

Post-surgery tips for quick recovery after septoplasty surgery:

Depending upon the extent of the surgery following things shall be kept in mind:

  • Do keep the head in an elevated position while sleeping.

  • For some weeks, avoid blowing the nose.

  • Wear garments that are easy to wear and closes in front. Do not put on clothes that involve touching over the head, thereby putting unnecessary pressure on the treated nose.

  • Do not indulge in any strenuous activities such as jogging and aerobics for a few weeks or play any contact sports that can increase the risk of nose injury or bleeding. 

  • Avoid heavy weight lifting and gym for some days.

  • Take plenty of rest.

  • Do not wear spectacles for a few weeks.

  • The patient shall return home with someone/attendant after surgery, as there is still a chance of the patient feeling drowsy.

  • Avoid stress, smoking, and alcohol.

Want to correct deviated septum? Meet Dr. Dushyanth Kalva to know more about septoplasty surgical procedure in Hyderabad that helps to improve breathing and nose functionality by correcting the deviated septum.

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Saturday 5 June 2021

Know All About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Want to enhance the size and shape of your breasts?

Breast augmentation surgery is the best option to get the desire breast shape.

An undesirable breast shape or contour in women often leads to a feeling of physical imbalance and affects her womanhood or self-perception. Breast augmentation surgery is one of the popular cosmetic plastic surgery performed to enlarge the breast cup size, make it symmetrical, and improve the appearance of cleavage. This treatment helps in boosting their self-confidence and gives them satisfactory physical beauty by offering them a more proportionate figure. The surgery corrects breast volume and fullness by correcting breast deformities caused by trauma, congenital defects, or as a result of a mastectomy. The surgery also corrects the shape of sagging and lose breasts after pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Breast augmentation surgery not only increases the size of the breast, but it is a creative endeavor that improves a woman’s beauty that positively affects her self-confidence. 

What to expect from breast augmentation surgery?

The patient needs an initial consultation with a surgeon to determine if the choice of breast enhancement procedure is desirable for them or not. At this time, the patient is asked for her medical history, current use of medications or health supplements, health condition, and information about previous mammograms or breast biopsy procedures if taken. Moreover, breast skin health is considered, and the measurements are taken to determine the optimum size of the implant and its location. Photographs may be taken with the consent of the patient so that she can compare the results after surgery.

The most important part of this breast augmentation surgery is the choice of implants, such as saline-filled implants with a silicone shell or silicone gel-filled implants. Incision placement is determined by a variety of factors. Based on the best suitable size, shape, and site of the body for implants, the decision is made. The chosen implant is placed sub muscularly (beneath pectoralis muscle) or sub glandularly (above pectoralis muscle) by making discrete incisions around the nipples, in the armpit, or underneath the breast creases.

Breast augmentation surgery is not a simple procedure, and a skilled surgeon must perform this surgery to achieve optimal results. Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, breast augmentation surgeon in Hyderabad, has significant experience in breast implant and augmentation surgery and performs many breast augmentation surgeries yearly. After the surgery, many patients have minimal to no pain or bruising after surgery, and many females promptly return to normal activities. 

During the breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad takes great care to camouflage the incisions and place them within the natural folds of the armpit and breast or around the areola.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. It is an outpatient process that lasts for 1-2 hours. 

Types of implants:

Saline-based implants: These are salt-filled implants that have a silicone outer shell, and the advantage of using them is that they do not harm the body even if it is damaged or leaks. It is safe as saline can be absorbed in case the implant ruptures. Only people above 18 years of age are approved for implanting this type. The saline implants use smaller incisions because they are filled once they are inserted into the implant pocket. 

Silicone breast implants: The implant containing a cohesive silicone gel and silicone outer covering can be used to provide a natural breast tissue appearance. It does not have any leakage issues and is suitable for people above 22 years old. The greatest advantage of silicone implants is that they look and feel more like natural breasts compared to their saline counterparts.

The surface of the implant can be smooth or textured. Smooth implants move easily, and they also feel soft, while textured implants have a slightly bumpy surface. The textured implant will not move as much within the breast pocket. 

Who is a suitable candidate for breast augmentation surgery?

  • Females who desire larger or fuller breasts.
  • Females who desire outward projection from the chest wall.
  • Females who desire a greater degree of cleavage.
  • Females in good physical and mental health overall. 
  • Females who are not breastfeeding.
  • Females who have completed their family because becoming pregnant, aging, and breastfeeding may affect the results achieved during a breast augmentation.
  • Females with diminished breast size due to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Once the surgery is complete, patients remain in the recovery room for 1-2 hours. Before leaving the recovery area, detailed instructions are provided by Dr. Dushyanth that the patient must strictly follow to ensure safe results and early recovery.

To learn more about breast enhancement procedures and their cost in Hyderabad, make an appointment with plastic and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics.
