Friday 30 December 2022

Who is a Good Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Widely known as the tummy tuck procedure, abdominoplasty is a way to reshape and define the abdomen’s appearance. This procedure is done to achieve the ideal figure and helps to remove pockets of fat across the abdomen. As a result, one can look healthy and gain self-confidence. Since an abdominoplasty is a cosmetic treatment, it can benefit anyone who wants to look better. But if one is considering a tummy tuck, it is important to find out if they are an ideal candidate for the surgery.

To help find the answer, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, one of the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Hyderabad, discusses who can get a tummy tuck procedure. Keep reading to learn more.

Who is a Good Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery

What is a Tummy Tuck Procedure? 

A tummy tuck procedure aims to restore the abdominal contours by restructuring excess skin and fat. It also treats the effects of damaged abdominal muscles. Due to these various impacts, it can have more advantages than noticeable weight loss and is still the best treatment method for loose skin. In order to achieve the best results, a skilled plastic surgeon administers general anesthesia before beginning the procedure. For certain patients, the perfect results imply the removal of fat along with loose skin. The specific methods utilized during a tummy tuck vary depending on the circumstances, but they are always relatively safe and productive. That’s why it’s paramount to learn who can get a tummy tuck and reap the procedure's benefits.

Suitable Candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery 

1. One Has Experienced Significant Weight Loss 

When one undergoes weight loss surgery or loses a significant amount of weight rapidly, loose skin will appear. The skin can stretch to accommodate additional fat due to weight gain. While losing the fat, the loose skin remains. This can result in stretch marks that are difficult to eliminate, and even topical products alone can not treat them. If the midsection has loose skin due to massive weight loss, a tummy tuck procedure can address it, treat it and help one regain confidence in the appearance.

2. One Has Good Health

The patient needs to have good health to undergo a tummy tuck procedure. Being healthy is crucial for any surgery, especially where one requires anesthesia. Therefore, if one has good health, they will make an ideal candidate for this procedure. Being in good health entails maintaining a generally healthy weight, being a non-smoker, and having no serious medical issues that might compromise the outcome of the procedure. If one smokes, one must stop for at least six weeks before and after the surgery. To know if one is in good health, book a consultation with Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics. He is also known for offering the Best Plastic Surgery in Hyderabad. 

3. One Has Excess Fat and Hanging Skin 

The most popular post-pregnancy procedure among women is a tummy tuck, which addresses drooping skin, lowers the abdomen, and contours the abdominal muscles. With a tummy tuck surgery, stubborn baby bumps or abdominal pooch can be efficiently corrected. After giving birth, women often gain a lot of weight and develop pannus, which is the loose, soft skin that hangs down over the pubic region, increasing the need for tummy tuck surgery. Loose skin can be highly unattractive and might make one feel self-conscious. This technique successfully eliminates excess skin to tighten and tone the entire midsection so one never has to worry about that loose skin again. 

4. One Has Experienced One or Multiple Pregnancies

Pregnancy stretches out the skin excessively. Additionally, it affects the abdominal muscles. This procedure helps one get their pre-baby body back to its previous state, as it was before pregnancy. However, females are often advised to wait until they are done with having children to undergo this procedure. Planning the treatment appropriately is crucial since getting pregnant after a tummy tuck will stretch the newly tightened skin and separate the muscles in the abdomen.

5. One Has Realistic Expectations From the Procedure

Having realistic expectations with the tummy tuck surgery is essential since it is not a weight-loss procedure and removes the skin and fat outside the muscle layers of the abdomen. Also, this procedure will take some time to heal as well.

One is suitable for a tummy tuck if one can keep realistic expectations for the procedure and refrain from asking for more than possible. The surgery increases one’s self-confidence and helps deal with issues one has been struggling with about their appearance. However, it's crucial that one is in good general health before scheduling the procedure. 

To know if one is an ideal candidate for tummy tuck surgery or to learn about the procedure's benefits, one can schedule an appointment with Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics. He offers the best Tummy Tuck Surgery in Hyderabad. Consult today!

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