Monday 2 January 2023

Who Makes A Suitable Candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction is a unique procedure that can help one achieve the figure they have always wanted. This widely used cosmetic surgery helps eliminate exercise-resistant fat cells from the body. The method delicately removes the fat deposits without causing any damage to the surrounding tissues. To provide one with helpful information, in this blog the insightful information is shared by Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, best plastic and cosmetic surgery expert in Hyderabad at Inform Clinics, the best plastic surgery clinic in India. He has over 15 years of experience in performing the best plastic and cosmetic surgery in Hyderabad.

Who Makes A Suitable Candidate for Liposuction

Look at the Criteria Below to See if One is An Ideal Candidate for Liposuction.

1. One is Struggling to Burn Fat

The best candidates for liposuction are individuals who have made a significant effort to lose weight through diet and exercise but have been unable to do so. Despite the best efforts to burn fat and lose weight, there may still be some areas of fat in the body that are too stubborn and will not disappear. Liposuction is beneficial for healthy individuals who have attempted to burn those fat deposits but have failed despite taking the appropriate steps.

2. One has Healthy Skin

The skin should be flexible and firm if one desires to undergo liposuction. For the surrounding tissues to recover from the treatment with good health, one must have a strong muscular tone. The liposuction procedure will not affect healthy skin or muscles, as removing the fat at this stage will be simpler.

3. One Must be Close to the Body's Weight

People who have excess fat and desire to lose weight fast should avoid undergoing liposuction. The best candidates for liposuction are those who are within 30% of their targeted body weight. At this point, a patient will have lost enough fat to where the surgeon will find it simpler to remove fat deposits without harming healthy tissue. Any attempt to eliminate an extensive amount of fat could be risky and harmful to the body. If one has a high BMI (body mass index) and is considering liposuction, it may be better to try to lose weight through diet and exercise. Once one is within 10 to 15 pounds of the desired body weight, liposuction will be a better option and can help one drop those last few pounds.

4. One Must Be in General Health 

Generally, individuals with good health will benefit the most from the liposuction procedure. Liposuction typically works for people who are nonsmokers and do not have any medical concerns or severe illnesses. People in good health will recover more quickly from the procedure and associated incisions. People who aren't in good health or have infections or other recovery issues won't benefit from liposuction because the healing process could be difficult for them to handle. To know if one is an ideal candidate for the procedure, one can schedule an appointment with Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, who provides the best cosmetic and plastic surgery in Hyderabad. 


5. One Must Have Realistic Expectations

Liposuction can improve the body contour dramatically and produce outstanding, noticeable effects. However, the procedure cannot transform one into someone else or give a completely different body type. For example, suppose one has naturally wide hips and undergoes liposuction on their hips. In that case, they might look wider than someone who has naturally narrow hips because of their skeletal structure and anatomic realities. Ideal candidates for liposuction must have realistic expectations about their bodies and how they will respond to liposuction. 

Who is Not A Suitable Candidate for Liposuction? 

  • Those who are extensively overweight and obese.

  • Those whose skin has lost its elasticity due to significant weight loss, pregnancy, or other factors.

  • Those who are pregnant.

  • Those having unrealistic expectations from results of liposuction procedures.

  • Those who aren’t physically active.

Liposuction is effective when a trusted and qualified surgeon can help achieve the aesthetic goals. One can consult Dr. Dushyanth Kalva to find out if one is an ideal candidate for liposuction or if one may benefit from a different surgical procedure.

Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, an expert plastic surgeon in Hyderabad, asks the patient about their specific concern area and expectations with the surgery. He examines the problems and target areas and then advises how he can help improve the target area to achieve a better overall body shape.

He also provides procedures like Gynecomastia Surgery, Tummy Tuck, Arm & Thigh lift, Hip & Gluteal Region Enhancement, Body Continuing and many more at Inform Clinics, the best plastic surgery clinic in Hyderabad. Pay a visit at Inform Clinics to avail the benefits of the treatments offered.

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