Saturday 7 January 2023

Liposuction: Post-op Instructions Shared by Expert Surgeon

 Many individuals struggle with excess body fat. Liposuction is considered the best option for achieving the desired body contour when diet and exercises fail to eliminate unwanted fat bulges. It is also called “lipo” and helps to slim and reshape specific areas of the body by removing the extra fat deposits and enhancing the proportions and curves of the body.

To provide one with helpful information, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva discusses post-op instructions for liposuction in detail. He is also known for performing the best Cosmetic Surgery in Hyderabad. Read on for more insights.



What is Liposuction? 

Liposuction is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure in today’s time. Every year, the number of patients seeking liposuction surgery increases. This is either because more people are ready to live a healthy lifestyle or because they want to enhance their body's shape. Liposuction is the best method to maintain a body shape with a pleasing contour. Many individuals assumed that it was more of a weight loss surgery. However, the real benefits of the procedure are not known to all. One must understand that it is not a weight loss surgery but gives definition to the body, and that is why men want 6-pack abs and women who desire an hourglass figure opt for liposuction surgery. 

Liposuction is a customised procedure. The extent, results, as well as the cost of the procedure may vary from patient to patient. It requires careful planning, assessment, and aesthetic skills to deliver the best results. However, post-op instructions are mandatory to consider. 

Here are Four Post-Op Instructions for Liposuction Procedure

1. One Must Wear a Compressor Garment: Wearing pressure/compressor clothing is necessary since it helps to reduce swelling and related discomforts. Swelling, bruising, edema, tumescent fluid, and mild pain are extremely common after surgery. Wearing a pressure garment for at least three weeks will reduce swelling, accelerate the healing process, and lessen any pain, bruising, and fluid drainage that may be experienced as a result of the procedure.

2. Diet and Exercise: If one is done with the liposuction surgery, one needs to be particular about their diet and exercise. It is advised to have a liquid and protein diet and avoid high carbohydrates and saturated fat. There are no such restrictions on a diet, but diet management should be practised seriously to achieve the desired contour and better results. One must try to reduce calories in the diet and increase the intake of liquid. One should also start with routine walking post-surgery, with limited movement to avoid blood clots. Strenuous physical activities should be avoided for a few weeks post-op. To learn more about liposuction procedure, one can book a consultation with Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics. He is known for offering the best Liposuction Surgery in Hyderabad.


3. Lymphatic Massage: After a week or two, one gets a lymphatic massage that helps to reduce swelling and fasten the healing process. Swelling is expected after a liposuction procedure that can last for several months before subsiding completely. Therefore, having a lymphatic massage is a suitable option. To reduce risk and pain, it is always advised to receive a lymphatic massage from skilled professionals. Massage aids in reducing fluid retention under the skin and inhibits the development of new swelling.


4. Follow-up Appointments: One must attend all follow-up visits as the plastic surgeon recommends. Even if one is adhering to the post-operative instructions, it is necessary to have assessments done until complete healing has occurred to monitor the progress. To ensure a quick and painless recovery, be aware of any minor progress or discomfort and share them with the plastic surgeon.

5. Use Ice Packs: Bruising is a common side effect of liposuction. Both swelling and discomfort can be relieved with the use of ice packs. It is typical for the groyne and genitalia to swell noticeably and bruise after liposuction of the abdomen. No need to panic! Within a few weeks, the swelling and bruises will fade completely. The pain and swelling will be relieved by using ice packs.

Learn More About Liposuction? 

Now that all the post-operative instructions of the procedure have been discussed, if one wants to know more about liposuction, one can consult Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics, one of the Best Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Clinics in Hyderabad. He also offers other procedures such as abdominoplasty, body contouring, arm and thigh lift, gynecomastia, mommy makeover etc. at his clinic. To learn more about these procedures, pay a visit to the clinic. Consult today!

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